
Life has a way of throwing surprises and changes at each of us. Unfortunately, these transitional events contribute to companion animal surrenders to local shelters and pet rescue facilities.

What are some of the transitional or life changes that cause pets to go to the shelter? This page examines just a few.

companion animals

Transitional or Life Changes That Lead to Pet Surrender

Pet owners state these reasons when they surrender their dog or cat. We are not sharing these as judgment but in a way to shed light on the problem so we can all better understand how to find solutions.

  • The pet owner changes to a new career. However, that same job promotion means less time to care for a pet.
  • The family must move to a new home or apartment, but the new housing arrangement does not allow pets on the premises.
  • Children or other family memebers develop allergies to the companion animal.
  • Divorce or other shifts in family dynamics.
  • The companion animal owner’s death–and the surviving family members don’t keep the pet. This sad situation happens commonly, especially with the aging and deaths of the super-sized baby boomer generation.
  • The number one reason for pet surrenders nationally is the most heartbreaking transition of all–the aging pet. Owners send their aging dogs or cats to the shelter as the pets become incontinent, experience cognitive loss, or go blind. The owners are ill-equipped to take care of the pet. Or, they don’t want to spend the money to euthanize their furry friend, so they leave it to the kind rescue volunteers.

How Companion Animal Advocates of Bertie Plans to Help Ease the Shelter Burden of Transitional Pet Surrenders

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Felines to Seniors Program

Our advocates are currently planning an exciting new program called Felines to Seniors, or F2S. We will pair senior citizens who want a new furry friend with the local animal control shelter through private sponsorship. Some seniors have the love to give, but they find the initial cost of adoption burdensome–our generous sponsors love animals and will make this program possible.

Stay tuned for updates on the Felines to Seniors program rollout.

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