Pet Adoption

Senior Cat Adoption: Here’s What to Expect

Have you ever considered senior cat adoption? Read about the benefits of an older kitty and what to expect while they adjust to your home.

Pet Adoption

Pet Surrender and Economic Hardship: How Finances Impact Animals

Pet surrender at shelters directly links to economic hardship and financial difficulty. We explain the research and what to do next–CAABertie

Pet Adoption

Adopting an Older Shelter Dog? Here’s What You Should Know

If you are considering a new furry friend, please consider adopting an older shelter dog. They still have lots of love to give to your family.

Pet Adoption

Adopt a Senior Pet Month

November is National Senior Pet Month, your chance to give an older pet a new leash on life. Here are good reasons to adopt.

Pet Adoption

8 Crucial Considerations Before You Adopt a Dog

You might think you want a new pet…but are you ready for one? Consider these eight essential factors before you adopt a dog.

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