Separaation anxiety in cats and dogs is relatively common but can be fixed with some TLC. Know these signs and some solutions.

Pet health is vital to a long and happy life. Just like humans, pets need regular medical checkups to ensure the early detection of many diseases.
We give you pointers on pet health. We also advocate for spaying and neutering, as altered pets are less at risk of wandering, have fewer behavioral issues, and may receive other positive health impacts.
However, the Companion Animal Advocates of Bertie website cannot issue medical or veterinary advice. We are not veterinary clinicians–we are animal advocates. Therefore, please do not use any information you find on this site for diagnosis or treatment. Your companion animal’s vet should always be the go-to source for your pet’s overall health.
Separaation anxiety in cats and dogs is relatively common but can be fixed with some TLC. Know these signs and some solutions.
The summertime heat has arrived, endangering pets–especially those kept outdoors. Follow these 9 tips. Cool pets are safe pets.
Do you know the signs of dehydration in pets? The arrival of hot weather in North Carolina means pets are at risk and need more water.
End-of-life care for senior cats and dogs is a last act of compassion and a bittersweet ending. But how can you tell it is almost time?
Wild animals in your yard can pose a danger to people and pets. But you can use these 5 cruelty-free techniqes to discourage their visits.
Pets spayed or neutered are healthier and less likely to stray. Spayed or neutered pets are also less likely to become overpopulated. Spaying your pet can help decrease shelter and […]