Pet Ownership

Hurricane Preparedness and Your Pets

Read how hurricane preparedness is not only for people–it is also for pets! Here are tips on emergency planning for companion animals.

Living in Eastern North Carolina brings the possibility of tropical storms, localized flooding, and hurricanes. As responsible pet owners, it’s crucial to consider our furry family members when creating comprehensive hurricane preparedness plans. We ensure our pets’ safety and well-being during weather events by including our pets in these plans.

In this blog post, we will guide you through the necessary steps to prepare your pets for hurricanes and storms in Bertie County. Let’s make sure our pets are protected and prepared for any situation that may arise.

Develop a Hurricane Preparedness Kit for Your Pets:

pet dehydration

Creating an emergency kit tailored for your pets is essential in hurricane preparedness. Your pet’s emergency kit should include the following:

  • Sufficient food and water: Pack at least a week’s supply of your pet’s regular food and store it in a waterproof container. Also, include bottled water for your pet.
  • Medications and medical records: Keep a supply of any necessary medications your pet may need during an emergency. Ensure you have copies of their medical records, including vaccination records, in a waterproof bag.
  • Identification and documentation: Ensure your pet wears a collar with up-to-date identification tags, including your contact information. It’s also recommended to have recent photos of your pet in case they get lost during the chaos.
  • Comfort items: Include familiar items such as blankets, toys, and bedding to help reduce stress for your pet during the evacuation or sheltering period.
  • Leashes, harnesses, and carriers: Sturdy leashes, harnesses, and carriers are readily available to transport your pets safely. Ensure they are in good condition and easy to access when needed.
  • Litter and litter box (for cats and rabbits): If you have cats or bunnies, pack a sufficient amount of their preferred litter and a portable litter box. This will ensure they have a comfortable and familiar place to use the bathroom, even in temporary sheltering situations.
  • Poop bags and cleaning supplies: Include a supply of poop bags for dogs and cleaning supplies for accidents or spills. This will help you maintain cleanliness and hygiene during evacuation or sheltering.
  • Comfort medications or supplements: If your pet takes calming medications or supplements to manage anxiety or stress, include them in the emergency kit. Consult with your veterinarian for guidance on appropriate dosages and usage.
  • Extra leash and collar: Pack an additional one as a backup. The equipment can get lost or damaged in high-stress situations, so having spares ensures you can safely control your pet.
  • Pet first aid kit: Prepare a separate kit specifically for your pets, including gauze, bandages, antiseptic solution, tweezers, and any necessary medications or ointments your veterinarian prescribes. Familiarize yourself with basic pet first aid procedures, or consider taking a pet first aid course to enhance your knowledge.
  • Familiar bedding or clothing: Including familiar bedding or a piece of clothing with your scent can provide comfort and reassurance to your pet during stressful times. It can help them feel more secure in unfamiliar environments.

Every pet is unique, so consider their needs when assembling the emergency kit. Tailor the contents to accommodate any specific requirements or medical conditions your pet may have.

By preparing a comprehensive and personalized emergency kit, you will be well-equipped to ensure your pets’ safety, comfort, and well-being during hurricanes and storms in Bertie County.

Find Pet-Friendly Evacuation Shelters and Hotels While Researching This Year’s Hurricane Preparedness:

Research and identify pet-friendly evacuation shelters and hotels in or along your route. Not all shelters and hotels accept pets, so it’s crucial to plan. Keep a list of these locations and their contact information in your emergency kit. Note any specific requirements, such as vaccination records needed for entry.

Prepare an Evacuation Plan:

A well-thought-out evacuation plan is vital to ensure the safety of your pets. Consider the following:

  • Know your evacuation routes: Familiarize yourself with the designated evacuation routes in your area. Be aware of any road closures or detours that may affect your route.
  • Assign responsibilities: Determine who will be responsible for each pet in your household during an evacuation. Assign specific tasks, such as packing the emergency kit or securing the pets in their carriers, to ensure a smooth process.
  • Practice evacuation drills: Conduct evacuation drills with your pets, mainly if they are not accustomed to being in carriers or vehicles. This helps familiarize them with the process and reduces stress during an evacuation. (Hint: It’s essential to practice loading the kitty into a carrier quickly–they often balk!).

Keep Important Contact Information Handy:

Maintain a list of significant phone numbers and contacts you may need during an emergency, including your veterinarian, local animal shelters, and pet-friendly accommodations. You should also take along the number for the local emergency management office or non-emergency police line if you need assistance or information during a weather event.

Stay Informed and Monitor Weather Updates:

Stay updated with the latest weather forecasts and advisories from trusted sources. Keep a battery-powered or hand-cranked weather radio handy to receive real-time information. Sign up for emergency alerts and notifications specific to your location to stay informed about any changes or developments.

companion animals bertie county

The Takeaway: Proper Hurricane Preparedness Includes Pets

Preparing our pets for hurricanes and storms here in Bertie County is a responsibility we must take seriously. By developing an emergency kit, identifying pet-friendly shelters, creating an evacuation plan, and staying informed about weather updates

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