Pet Ownership

6 Easy Steps to Litter Train Your New Kitten

Congratulations! You adopted a new kitten and have a new best friend to share your life with. If your are a first-time cat owner, you may be asking an obvious question. How to litter train this little ball of fluff.

This article will address some basic information on cat ownership and how to train a kitten to use a litterbox.

It is also worth noting that you would use the same methods to train an older kitty, if you adopted an adult. Although an adult with no “house skills” might take a little longer, it is something you can accomplish.

NOTE: Companion Animal Advocates of Bertie engages in educating people about responsible pet ownership and helps improve the lives of pets through outreach and education. We are not a pet shelter, nor do we have animals available for adoption. However, we share information in our blog from personal experiences as people who have personally adopted many rescue animals.

Why cats make great house pets

Cats make great house pets because they are independent, friendly, and affectionate. They also don’t require a lot of space, so they can easily adapt to smaller living quarters. They are relatively low-maintenance, as they groom themselves and don’t need to be walked like a dog.

Cats also make great companions, as they can provide comfort and companionship when you’re feeling lonely. They can also provide hours of entertainment with their playful nature and curious personalities.

All in all, cats are a great addition to any home and make excellent house pets.

Eight reasons to adopt a shelter kitten or cat instead of shopping at a pet store

If you are in the consideration of a cat phase, please consider a shelter kitten instead of shopping at a pet store.

Adopting a shelter kitten is a great way to give a loving home to an animal in need. Here are some reasons why adopting a shelter kitten could be a great decision:

  1. Companionship: Kittens are a great source of companionship, as they live in the moment and can be very affectionate towards their owners.
  2. Cost-Effective: Adopting a shelter kitten is usually much more cost-effective than purchasing one from a breeder or pet store.
  3. Health Benefits: Owning a pet has been linked to reducing stress and anxiety, as well as improving overall physical and mental health.
  4. Giving Back: By adopting from a shelter, you are helping an animal find a loving home and contributing to a good cause.
  5. Added Protection: By adopting a shelter kitten, you may be able to get a vaccinated and microchipped pet, which can help keep your pet safe and protected.
  6. Personalization: With a shelter cat, you can often pick the pet that best fits your lifestyle and personality.
  7. Responsible Pet Ownership: Adopting a shelter kitten is a great way to demonstrate your commitment to responsible pet ownership.
  8. Extra Support: Many shelters offer additional support and resources to help you and your new pet get off to a great start.
adopt don't shop

Why cats should be indoors not outside (litter train, don’t put them out to poop)

Cats should be kept indoors for a variety of reasons. Here are the four top arguments for keeping kitty safe inside.

  • Indoor cats are safer, as they are not exposed to diseases, parasites, or dangers such as cars and other animals.
  • Outdoor cats can also irritate neighbors by getting into garbage cans, gardens, and yards. Keeping cats indoors also helps protect local wildlife. That’s because cats are natural predators and can cause harm to birds and other small animals.
  • Moreover, cats kept indoors can live longer, healthier lives due to the lack of exposure to disease and injury.
  • Finally, indoor cats are less likely to get lost or stolen and are easier to keep track of. That makes them much less stressful to care for.

Six easy steps to litter train a kitten

Litter training a kitten can be a great way to keep your home clean and make your kitty feel at home. Here are some suggested steps to make this process as easy and successful as possible:

  1. Start to litter train as soon as possible: Litter training is easiest when you start when your kitten is young.
  2. Introduce the litter box: Place the litter box in an easily accessible area, such as in a corner of the bathroom or in a spare room.
  3. Show your kitten the litter box: Put your kitten in the box and use your finger to help them scratch the litter.
  4. Reward with treats: Give your kitten a treat each time they use the litter box correctly.
  5. Clean regularly: Clean the litter box at least once a day.
  6. Be patient: Litter training can take a while, so be patient and keep rewarding your kitten for using the box correctly.
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The takeaway on learning to litter train your new kitten

Learning to litter train a new kitten, or even an older cat, is not difficult. However, it can take time and patience. Don’t give up and turn your cat out if she takes a few days to master the litterbox–indoor cats are the safest from cars, predators, and disease.

Companion Animal Advocates of Bertie is a citizen-powered effort. We seek to improve the lives of companion animals (dogs and cats) in rural Bertie County, North Carolina. We are grateful for all support we receive–please connect with us on Facebook.

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