Pet Ownership

Pet Rabbits: What You Should Know Before Hopping to Bunny Ownership

Pet rabbits are adorable! But a few weeks after Easter, shelters see upticks in surrenders. Here’s what you should know about bunnies.

Pet rabbits are undeniably adorable and can make excellent pets for the right person or family. However, potential owners must know their needs and requirements well before adopting a new bunny.

Pet rabbits are not a primary focus of Companion Animal Advocates of Bertie. We focus our energies on cats and dogs. However, we recently heard of some abuse of these sweet critters that were so beloved on Easter Sunday just a few weeks ago. While we are not bunny experts, we know every animal deserves better!

This content will explain several things you should know about pet rabbit ownership, helping you decide whether a pet rabbit is right for you.

Bunny Rabbit Basics

There are numerous rabbit breeds, each with its unique characteristics and appearance. Some common breeds include the Holland Lop, Lionhead, Mini Rex, and Flemish Giant. Rabbits typically have a lifespan of eight to twelve years. That means they are a long-term commitment. They are social animals that require interaction and companionship from another rabbit or their human family members.


Pet Rabbits Require Secure Housing and a Safe Environment

Proper housing is crucial for your rabbit’s well-being. They can be housed indoors and outdoors. But indoor housing provides a safer environment and closer interaction with the family. Rabbit enclosures should be spacious, with room for your pet to move around, stand on their hind legs, and stretch out comfortably. Provide enrichment and exercise opportunities. You should provide toys, tunnels, and platforms to stimulate your rabbit mentally and physically.

NOTE: While rabbits technically can live in outdoor, CAABertie advocates for keeping them indoors away from extreme weather, theft, or predators. We discourage outdoor pet ownership.

Bunny Diet and Nutrition

A healthy rabbit diet consists of hay, pellets, and fresh vegetables. Hay should make up the majority of their diet, as it promotes proper digestion and dental health. High-quality pellets and various leafy greens and vegetables should also be provided daily. Clean water must be accessible at all times. Avoid feeding your rabbit foods high in sugar or fat, as these can lead to health issues.

Health and Veterinary Care for Pet Rabbits

Regular veterinary care is essential for maintaining your rabbit’s health. Ensure your pet receives necessary vaccinations and routine check-ups. Spaying or neutering your rabbit is essential for their health and can help prevent unwanted behaviors.

Familiarize yourself with the signs of illness and common rabbit health issues, such as gastrointestinal stasis, dental problems, and respiratory infections.

feral cats

Grooming and Hygiene of Your Pet Rabbits

Regular grooming is essential to keep your rabbit’s coat clean and prevent ingesting excess fur, which can lead to digestive issues. Brush your rabbit with a soft brush or comb, and trim their nails as needed. Dental care is also crucial, as rabbits’ teeth continually grow. Providing hay and chew toys can help maintain their dental health. Rabbits can be litter box trained, making it easier to maintain a clean living environment for your pet.

Socialization and Bunny Bonding

Rabbits are social animals that thrive with companionship. If you’re considering adopting multiple rabbits, be prepared for a gradual introduction and bonding process. Human interaction is also vital for your rabbit’s well-being. Handle your rabbit gently and carefully, ensuring they feel secure and comfortable during interactions.

Costs and Commitment

Rabbit ownership comes with both initial and ongoing expenses. These costs include the enclosure, food, grooming supplies, and veterinary care. Additionally, rabbits require time and emotional commitment from their owners. Be prepared to dedicate daily time to care for, interact with, and monitor your rabbit’s health and well-being.

Rabbit-Proofing Your Home

Creating a safe environment for your rabbit is essential. Rabbits are natural chewers. Therefore, protecting electrical cords, baseboards, and furniture from their curiosity is essential. Remove toxic plants, secure heavy objects that may topple, and block off areas where your rabbit may become stuck or injured.

find a pet to adopt

The Takeaway: Pet Rabbits Are Family for Life, Not for Post-Easter Discard

Before adopting a pet rabbit, carefully consider the responsibilities and commitments involved. By understanding their needs and ensuring you can provide a loving, safe, and healthy home, you’ll be well on your way to a rewarding new furry friendship.

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