Pet Adoption

Senior Cat Adoption: Here’s What to Expect

Have you ever considered senior cat adoption? Read about the benefits of an older kitty and what to expect while they adjust to your home.

At Companion Animal Advocates of Bertie, we believe that every cat deserves a loving and forever home, regardless of age. While kittens may often steal the spotlight, there are numerous benefits to consider when adopting a senior cat from a rescue or shelter.

This content will explore the joys and rewards of welcoming an older kitty into your family. From their calm demeanor to their unwavering affection, senior cats bring unique qualities that make them wonderful companions.

Five Benefits of Adopting a Senior Cat Instead of a Kitten

Let’s discover why adopting a senior cat is a truly special experience.

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1 – Established Personalities and Temperaments:

One of the remarkable benefits of adopting a senior cat is that their personalities and temperaments are already well-established. Senior cats have a distinct identity, unlike kittens, who are still developing their unique traits. This allows you to choose a companion whose disposition aligns with your lifestyle, whether you prefer a mellow lap cat or an active and playful feline. Additionally, it means older kitties are a perfect pet match with older adults.

2 – Lower Energy Levels and Calmer Demeanor:

Senior cats generally have lower energy levels compared to their younger counterparts. They often prefer a relaxed and peaceful environment, making them ideal for individuals or families who value a more serene lifestyle. With a senior cat, you can enjoy quiet moments of companionship and experience the calming presence they bring to your home.

3 – Reduced Demands and Training Requirements:

Unlike kittens, senior cats typically come with a wealth of life experience. They are often already litter box trained, understand basic manners, and have established habits. This means you can skip the demanding training phase, saving time and effort while enjoying the company of a cat who is already well-behaved and settled into their routines.

4 – Unconditional Love and Gratitude:

Older or adult cats have an incredible capacity for love and gratitude. When you provide a loving and caring home for an older kitty, they recognize your kindness and respond with unwavering affection. You become their hero, and the bond that forms between you can be truly heartwarming and fulfilling.

5 – Making a Meaningful Difference:

Adopting an older cat is a compassionate act that makes a significant difference in their lives. Sadly, these grand old felines often face challenges finding forever homes, as many adopters are drawn to kittens. Opening your heart and home to a senior cat gives them a second chance at happiness, offering them the love and comfort they deserve in their golden years.

Understanding and Supporting Your Senior Cat: Behaviors to Expect During the Adjustment Period

Bringing a senior cat into your home is a heartwarming experience, but it’s important to remember that the transition may require some patience and understanding. Like any cat adjusting to a new environment, senior kitties may display certain behaviors as they acclimate to their new home. Being aware of these behaviors and providing a supportive environment can help your senior cat settle in comfortably. Here are some common behaviors you may encounter during the adjustment period:

Understanding and Supporting Your Senior Cat: Behaviors to Expect During the Adjustment Period

Bringing a senior cat into your home is a heartwarming experience. But it’s important to remember that the transition may require patience and understanding. Like any cat adjusting to a new environment, senior kitties may display certain behaviors as they acclimate to their new home. Being aware of these behaviors and providing a supportive environment can help your senior cat settle in comfortably.


Typical behaviors of a senior cat in a new environment:

Here are some common behaviors you may encounter during the adjustment period:

  1. Hesitant or Shy Behavior: Senior cats, particularly those who have experienced previous rehoming or have spent time in shelters, may initially display hesitancy or shyness. They might be cautious around unfamiliar surroundings, new people, or other pets in the household. Give your senior kitty time and space to explore at their own pace, and avoid overwhelming them with too much activity or attention initially.
  2. Hiding: It’s natural for senior cats to seek out hiding spots when they feel unsure or overwhelmed in their new environment. They may find solace under furniture, in closets, or in other secluded areas. Please provide them with safe hiding spots, such as cozy beds or quiet corners, to retreat when they need security. Avoid forcing them out of hiding; let them become comfortable and gradually venture out independently.
  3. Vocalization: Some older kitties may express their anxiety or confusion through increased vocalization, including meowing, yowling, or crying. They may use vocal cues to communicate their needs or seek reassurance. Respond to their vocalizations patiently and provide comforting interactions, such as gentle petting and soothing words, to help alleviate their anxiety.
  4. Odd Eating and Sleeping Patterns: During the adjustment period, you may notice a few strange eating and sleeping patterns. Some cats may experience a decrease in appetite initially due to stress. Offer them a quiet and comfortable feeding area, ensure access to fresh water and nutritious food, and consult a veterinarian if their eating habits do not improve. Additionally, senior cats may spend more time sleeping or resting as they adjust to their new surroundings. Provide cozy bedding and quiet spaces where they can feel secure and get ample rest.
  5. Litter Box Issues: Accidents or litter box issues can occur when senior cats feel anxious or unsettled. It’s natural when settling into a new environment. Ensure you have provided a clean and easily accessible litter box in a quiet location. Be sure the cat understands the litter box location. Remember, they are still learning the layout of your home. If your senior kitty continues having litter box issues, consult a veterinarian to rule out any underlying health conditions.
  6. Increased Sensitivity to Noise or Changes: Senior cats may be more sensitive to noise or changes in their surroundings. Loud sounds, sudden movements, or disruptions in routine can cause stress or anxiety. Create a calm and predictable environment for your senior cat by maintaining a consistent daily routine and minimizing loud or sudden noises when possible.
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The Takeaway: A Senior Cat Has So Much Love to Share

Adopting an elderly cat is a remarkable experience filled with unique rewards. Older kitties have well-established personalities and lower energy levels. But still, they will treat you to their unconditional love and gratitude in time. They will bring joy and companionship to their adoptive families.

By welcoming an older kitty into your home, you gain a loving companion and make a profound difference in the life of a deserving feline. Embrace the journey of adopting a senior cat and discover the immeasurable joy they bring to your life.

Remember, age is just a number, and the love and companionship of a senior cat are timeless.

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