Pet Health

Separation Anxiety: What Causes It in Cats and Dogs (And How to Fix It)

Separaation anxiety in cats and dogs is relatively common but can be fixed with some TLC. Know these signs and some solutions.

Pet Ownership

Fireworks, July 4th, and Pet Safety

Fireworks are entertaining for people, but not so much for pets. Learn why dogs and cats fear these displays and how to calm their nerves.

Pet Ownership

Pet Boredom: Enrichment Activities for Dogs and Cats Can Prevent Behavior Issues

Pet boredom can lead to many issues, from overly self-grooming to behavioral concerns. Try these enrichment activities to prevent them.

Pet Health

How to Keep Your Pets Cool During the Summer Months

The summertime heat has arrived, endangering pets–especially those kept outdoors. Follow these 9 tips. Cool pets are safe pets.

Pet Adoption

Senior Cat Adoption: Here’s What to Expect

Have you ever considered senior cat adoption? Read about the benefits of an older kitty and what to expect while they adjust to your home.

Animal Advocacy

16 Reasons Pets Deserve to Live Indoors

Some argue that living outdoors is natural for pets. We destroy that false narrative with 16 reasons why your pets should live indoors.

Pet Ownership

Hurricane Preparedness and Your Pets

Read how hurricane preparedness is not only for people–it is also for pets! Here are tips on emergency planning for companion animals.

Pet Health

Protecting Pets from Dehydration in the Summertime

Do you know the signs of dehydration in pets? The arrival of hot weather in North Carolina means pets are at risk and need more water.

Animal Advocacy

4 Rewards of Volunteer Work with Companion Animal Advocates of Bertie

Are you seeking volunteer work in a meaningful way that will help companion animals? Here are four reasons to become an animal advocate.

Pet Adoption

Pet Surrender and Economic Hardship: How Finances Impact Animals

Pet surrender at shelters directly links to economic hardship and financial difficulty. We explain the research and what to do next–CAABertie

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