Pet Health

Wild Animals: 5 Cruelty-free Ways to Deter Wildlife + Protect Pets

Wild animals in your yard can pose a danger to people and pets. But you can use these 5 cruelty-free techniqes to discourage their visits.

Wild animals can be a nuisance on your property. Even animal advocates and nature lovers can agree!

These pesky critters can damage your plants, raid the trash cans, and leave messes in the yard. Even worse, they threaten your family or pets. Getting these uninvited visitors out of your yard is practically impossible. However, there are five actions you can take to make it trickier for them to access your property and deter them from returning.

Prevention is fundamental! Discourage critters in cruelty-free ways for the well-being and safety of your family and small pets.

5 Cruelty-free Ways to Discourage Wild Animals From Visiting Your Yard

stray cat

Even animal lovers agree that wild animals can damage food gardens, harm your pets, or create a nuisance. If you can’t live with them, or they threaten human or pet safety, try these deterrents. You can deter these unwanted critters and still be cruelty-free!

1. Install a fence around your property

Building a fence is an easy way to keep wild animals off your property. Fences can include various materials, including wood, metal, and plastic. The type of fence depends on the animals you’re trying to keep out and your budget and aesthetic preferences.

For instance, a chain-link fence may effectively keep small- to mid-sized animals–think skunks or raccoons–out of your yard. However, it will do little to deter larger animals like deer. A taller fence of solid materials will more effectively discourage large creatures (such as deer or bears) from entering your space. 

2. Keep your trash cans closed securely to deter wild animals

One of the simplest ways to keep wild animals off your property is to ensure your trash cans are securely closed. Animals are often attracted to garbage because it contains food scraps that they can eat. If your trash cans are not adequately secured, animals can quickly enter and rummage through the contents.

In addition to making a mess, this can lead to transmitting disease if the animal carries parasites or pathogens. 

To prevent this, invest in secure trash cans with tightly closing lids. Keep extra cans stored when not in use. It would help to keep your trash cans in a garage or shed to deter animals from accessing them. These few simple precautions can help to keep your property free of wildlife.

3 – Don’t feed the wild animals

When you feed wild animals, you signal them that your property is a reliable food source. As a result, they will be likelier to return, even if better food sources are available.

Feeding animals can also create a health hazard. That’s because they can attract predators or introduce disease to the local population. If you want to keep wild animals off your property, the wisest course to do is to avoid attracting notice in the first place. Keep garbage and pet food securely stored. And trim any overgrown vegetation that provides natural cover near them (for your safety!). Taking these common-sense precautions can help ensure your property remains wildlife-free.

4 – Install a motion-activated sprinkler (or one on a timer for their usual schedule)

Wild animals can be a nuisance. They may rummage through your trash, dig up your garden, or even carry disease. If you want to repel these unwanted guests, a motion-activated sprinkler may be the answer. These devices release a burst of water when they detect movement, startling animals and causing them to flee.

Motion-activated sprinklers are easy to install, and you can set them to engage only at certain times of day, making them a convenient way to keep your property wild and animal-free. In addition, these sprinklers can also help to deter burglars and other trespassers. So if you need a way to keep your property safe and sound, a motion-activated sprinkler may be the perfect solution.

5 – Use a humane repellent to deter wild animals from visiting

As any homeowner knows, wild animals can be a nuisance. They can damage property, frighten pets and children, and spread disease. Fortunately, there are several ways to keep wild animals off your property. One of the most effective is to use a repellent. Many types of repellents are available, and the best one for you will depend on the type of animal you’re trying to keep away.

For instance, ultrasonic devices can effectively deter deer, rabbits, and other small animals. Coyote urine can repel stray domestic dogs, coyotes, and foxes. And bird netting can be an effective way to keep birds away from fruits and vegetables. Using a repellent, you can enjoy your backyard without worrying about wild animals coming in as unwanted guests.

companion animals bertie county

The Takeaway: If Wild Animals Cause Damage to Your Yard, These Cruelty-Free Measures Are a Good Place to Start

There are some ways to keep unwanted critters off your property. It’s natural to protect yourself, your children, and your pets. But that does not mean cruelty! By taking simple precautions, you can help assure your property remains wildlife-free and cruelty-free.

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